Methasterone Powder

Methasterone Powder


Methasterone, also known as methyldrostanolone and known by the nickname Superdrol, is a synthetic and orally active anabolic–androgenic steroid which was never marketed for medical use.
Formula: C21H34O2
Molar mass: 318.492 g/mol
Biological half-life: 8–12 hours
Metabolism: Liver
PubChem CID: 237186
Bioavailability: ~50%
People also search for: Androgen prohormone, Drostanolone,.



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Buy Methasterone online

Methasterone Superdrol (Superdrol, methasteron, and methyldrostanolone) is an oral anabolic steroid. Superdrol or Methasterone is an anabolic steroid. For bodybuilding/athletic purposes Superdrol increases testosterone levels which induce substantial increases in bodily shape and size, largely due to its ability to increase your number of muscle fibersis an anabolic substance, meaning it promotes protein synthesis, and thus muscle strength. When muscles become stronger, they grow. Ultimately, Superdrol users experience large gains in muscle mass because their muscles become much stronger.

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Best place to buy Methasterone  online/Applications:

Methasterone has stayed an ideal way for men and women to boost their all around physique with regards to a more muscular physical appearance. Its generic name is Methasterone and is used for building muscle quickly. Methasterone has been a popular supplement for weight lifters for quite some time. It helps to boost testosterone and reduce recovery times after going to the gym. This muscle building supplement is popular among bodybuilders around the world because it truly provides results fast.

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Where can i buy Methasterone online /Specifications:

Test Analysis Standard Results
Description White Or Almost White Crystalline Powder White Crystalline Powder
Melting Point 223-225℃ 223-224℃
Loss On Drying ≤0.5% 0.22%
Residue On Ignition ≤0.1% 0.05%
Assay ≥98% 98.32%
Conclusion Be Conform With Enterprise Standard

Buy Methasterone Online to be used by body builders .

What does Superdrol do to your body?
A Superdrol cycle aims at increasing your increase in lean muscle mass, improving your body performance and muscle tissue repair and recovery. It does this by promoting the retention of nitrogen in muscle cells, inducing protein synthesis, and increasing muscular vascularity.
How long does Superdrol take to work?
1 to 2 hours
You’ll find that it kicks in extremely fast – within just 1 to 2 hours. Strength, vascularity and muscle hardness will increase very rapidly. Dosing has to be done twice a day since Superdrol has a half life of 8 to 12 hours.


Additional information


100g, 1kg, 300 g, 500g, 50g


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