
5-APB is an empathogenic psychoactive compound of the substituted benzofuran, substituted amphetamine and substituted phenethylamine classes. 5-APB and other compounds are sometimes informally called “Benzofury”.
Formula: C11H13NO
Molar mass: 175.23 g/mol
Synonyms: 1-Benzofuran-5-ylpropan-2-amine
PubChem CID: 9837232
People also search for: 6-APB, 5-MAPB, 4-Fluoroamphetamine, 
Description5-APB is an empathogenic psychoactive compound of the substituted benzofuran, substituted amphetamine and substituted phenethylamine classes. 5-APB and other compounds are sometimes informally called “Benzofury”. 5-APB is commonly found as the succinate and hydrochloride salt. Wikipedia
Formula: C11H13NO
Molar mass: 175.23 g/mol
ChemSpider ID: 8012953
Other names: 1-Benzofuran-5-ylpropan-2-amine
PubChem CID: 9837232


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  • 5-(2-Aminopropyl)Benzo fury 5-APB is a derivative of the designer drug 6-APB, also known as benzo fury, and is a stimulant and entactogen belonging to the amphetamine and the phenethylamine classes.1 It is an analog of MDA where the 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl ring system has been replaced with a benzofuran
  • ring. 5-APB is also the unsaturated benzofuran derivative of 5-APDB. This product is intended for forensic purposes.

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5-APB (abbreviation of “5-(2-aminopropyl)benzofuran”; see infobox for the correct IUPAC name) is an empathogenic psychoactive compound of the substituted benzofuran, substituted amphetamine and substituted phenethylamine classes. 5-APB and other compounds are sometimes informally called “Benzofury”.
Other names: 1-Benzofuran-5-ylpropan-2-amine
Molar mass: 175.23 g/mol g·mol−1

APB (5-APB, 5-APDB, 6-APB, 6-APDB)


6-(2-aminopropyl) benzofuran or 1-benzofuran-6-ylpropan-2-amine 6-APB or Benfamine


Benzo Fury, White Pearl


6-APB/5-APB is chemically similar to Amphetamines (like Speed) and to Ecstasy, so it’s reasonable to assume that they have similar effects to those drugs. Hence, people using 6-APB/5-APB may experience: Feeling very up, alert, chatty and energised. Being ‘in tune’ with their surroundings and/or with music and colours feeling more intense.   Temporary feelings of love and affection for the people they are with and for the strangers around them.  Physical effects such as dilated pupils, tingling feelings, tightening of the jaw muscles, raised body temperature and the heart beating faster.


6-APB is sold as ‘Benzo Fury’ in the form of coloured tablets or ‘pellets’, as a white or brown powder, or as variously coloured capsules. The appearance is not, however, a guarantee of content.  6-APB can be swallowed or snorted in lines. The powder version can also be rolled up in a cigarette paper and swallowed (‘bombed’).

HEALTH RISKS (long term) which includes withdrawal & tolerance:

6-APB/5-APB is chemically similar to amphetamines (like speed) and to ecstasy, and so it’s reasonable to assume it has similar risks to those drugs. Hence, people using 6-APB/5-APB may experience:  Anxiety, panic attacks, confused states, agitation or aggression, paranoid feelings and even psychosis.   A ‘comedown’ that may last a number of days – with feelings of lethargy and depressed mood.  It is likely that addiction is a risk with regular use. 6-APB is chemically similar to drugs like Amphetamine that are addictive. Hence, it’s reasonable to assume that you could become addicted to 6-APB and could suffer similar withdrawal symptoms seen with Speed and Ecstasy if used regularly.


6-APB/5-APB will be banned on 10th June 2013 and will remain illegal for at least 12 months while drug experts consider their full range of harms. It is therefore illegal to sell, supply or give away these substances to friends. If the police suspects that you have a ‘legal high’ which contains a temporary class drug, they can confiscate the substance and dispose of it. Supplying someone else, including your friends, can get you fourteen years in jail and/or an unlimited fine under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.  The temporary ban follows a recommendation from an independent body of experts, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD). During the temporary ban period, the ACMD will continue to investigate the effects of 6-APB/5-APB and will make a recommendation to the Government whether it should be permanently controlled.

High Quality 5-APB Online History .

  1. 6-APB is often sold as ‘Benzo Fury’ which has been found to contain other ‘legal highs’ like 5-(2-aminopropyk) benzofuran and the now illegal Class B drug, D2PM.
  2. 6-APB is a stimulant that is commonly marketed in the product ‘Benzo Fury’. 6-APB is taken as a ‘legal high’ and may act like Amphetamine, such as Speed and Ecstasy.
  3. 6-APB  is legal to possess but that does not mean it is safe. As with any ‘legal high’, and whatever claims sellers make, you cannot be certain what a product  actually contains.
  4. 6-APB is not controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.Whilst 6-APB has normally been found in Benzo Fury, Benzo Fury is a brand name, and you cannot actually be sure what it contains. It may contain a substance that is illegal to possess or to supply to others.
  5. This chemical is known to be one of the most popular research chemicals out there, given its powerful psychoactive properties.
  6. Almost anybody who sells 6-APB can be considered an authorized dealer since the chemical has not been trademarked, giving sellers the freedom to sell anything that is under this brand.
  7. 6-APB is an entactogen (the term entactogen is used to describe a class of psychoactive drugs that produce distinctive emotional and social effects similar to those of MDMA) stimulant drug belonging to the classes of amphetamine and phenethylamine.
  8. 6-APB is one of the top selling research chemical in UK and Europe.
  9. It was in February 2011, when 6-APB was first launched in the research industry.
  10. 6-APDB, along with 5-APDB, was first synthesized by David E. Nichols in the early 1990s while investigating non-neurotoxic MDMA analogues.

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1000g, 100g, 500g


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