This preparation is a derivative from dopamine, pyrovalerone and serotonin. It affects the central nervous system stimulating it. The substance O-2483 getting into the human body causes euphoria. The action duration of NRG-1 (Energy-1) is about 3-4 hours. Even after the passed Resolution on the ban of this substance, some on-line stores continue to put it on sale under the guise of polishing powder, bath salts or fertilizers for plants.
Buy Naphyrone Online to be used by Energy
Best place to buy Naphyrone Online The Naphyrone trip says that as a rule this powder is taken intranasally or intravenously. While inhaling it through the nose the drug usually causes burning in the nose. Except of pleasant euphoria and a burst of energy, and sometimes hallucinations, the preparation Naphyrone may cause sickness, slow response and dizziness.
If, nevertheless, in spite of the ban you plan to experience the action of Naphyrone, we recommend you not to abuse the doses and their frequency, as it may develop addiction as well as unpleasant consequences for your health in general.