Dormicum 15mg /pills

Dormicum 15mg /pills


Midazolam, marketed under the trade name Versed, among others, is a medication used for anesthesia, procedural sedation, trouble sleeping, and severe agitation.
Formula: C18H13ClFN3
Duration of action: 1 to 6 hrs
Onset of action: Within 5 min (IV), 15 min (IM), 20 min (oral)
Biological half-life: 1.5-2.5 hours
Bioavailability: By mouth (variable, around 40%); intramuscular 90%
Excretion: Kidney
Trade name: Dormicum, Hypnovel, Versed, others


What Is Dormicum?

Available in two dosage variations (Dormicum 15mg and Dormicum 7.5mg), it is a rapidly acting hypnotic with a relatively short biological half-life. In several controlled trials as well as in the sleep lab, the tablets really managed to reduce sleep onset time. It means that by taking right Dormicum dosage for sleep, it is possible to prolong sleep without affecting your REM sleep. This in turn improves sleep efficiency.

You may go to sleep within 20 minutes of taking Dormicum, and the duration of sleep will automatically become similar to your normal sleep time as per your age. After you wake up, you won’t notice any performance issues, which is mainly due to the presence of Midazolam, the active ingredient of Dormicum with anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and sedative properties.

Dosage of Dormicum

Dormicum is quite effective, but it is important to have clear information about the right Dormicum dosage for sleep.

Standard Dosage

Due to its rapid onset of action, the standard dose for adults is 15mg and 7.5mg. It is important that you swallow a tablet with fluid just before you go to sleep for a total duration of 6 hours at least.

Special Dosage

If you’re a frail patient or an elderly patient, the right dose for you is 7.5mg. You should also take the same dose if you have mild liver issues or impairment of renal function. The same dose is suitable for situational sleep disturbances, but you can opt for a 15mg if other treatments for sleep-disturbing diseases aren’t working.

For premedication, it is important to administer a dose of 7.5mg or 15mg at least half an hour before the procedure – the treatment duration should not exceed a couple of weeks.

Side Effects of Dormicum

Like other drugs, Dormicum will produce side effects if not administered properly. It is important to select the right Dormicum dosage for sleep to ensure it doesn’t produce any ill effects. Here’s a bit more about some of the most common side effects associated with the use of Dormicum.

You may experience daytime drowsiness, tiredness, headache, reduced alertness, muscle weakness, confusion, dizziness and ataxia. You usually experience these effects when you start the treatment or go away with continuation of treatment. You may even notice paradoxical reaction, such as excitability, restlessness, aggressiveness, agitation, behavioral disturbances and hallucinations. These reactions are more common in older patients and may require discontinuation of treatment.

You may sometimes witness allergic reaction, such as skin rashes after using Dormicum. Another rare side effect is anterograde amnesia, which usually affects a patient when someone else wakes them up within a few hours of taking the tablets. The amnesia may also be accompanied by specific unusual behavior. The patient has to stop using Dormicum in this case.

Precautions of Using Dormicum

Dormicum is generally safe for use, but like all other drugs, it is important to take certain precautionary measures to avoid dealing with its harmful effects. For instance:

  • It is important not to use Dormicum if you’re already using benzodiazepines. Dormicum is hypersensitive to benzodiazepines.
  • Several medications like CNS depressants or drugs with substances such as cimetidine, azole type antimycotics and erythromycin may interfere with the metabolism of Dormicum.
  • Don’t use Dormicum if you have a history of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, or dependency on alcohol.
  • Don’t use Dormicum if you have liver issues, severe respiratory problems, sleep apnea syndrome, and myasthenia gravis.
  • Don’t use Dormicum if you’re pregnant.

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