Testosterone propionate/testosterone enanthate
DescriptionTestosterone propionate/testosterone enanthate, sold under the brand name Testoviron depot, is an oil-based mixture of testosterone esters for depot intramuscular injection which is marketed in Europe. Its constituents include: Testosterone propionate Testosterone enanthate
Testosterone enanthate: Androgen
Testosterone propionate: Androgen
Classification: Oil
Trade name:
![Buy Testoviron online](https://chemicalspharmstore.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/testoviron-250-mg-injection-500x500-2.jpg)
Other names: TP/TE
People also search for: Testosterone, Testosterone undecanoate,
Testoviron 250 is a testosterone based anabolic injectable steroids. Testoviron is manufactured by the renowned pharmaceuticals MaxPro Pharma. Testoviron is the best quality oil based steroid, releases testosterone slowly from the injection site. Testoviron is a slowly releasing anabolic steroid to develop solid body weight. Testoviron is a powerful bulking steroid which is approved by the FDA (USA). Testoviron is capable to develop quality and lean mass without major side effect. Testoviron is a strong bulking steroid which develops lean weight because this drug has no androgenic negative effect.